
  • Andrea R
    Medical Assistant

    Hi, my name is Andrea. I am the Medical Assistant here at Lozier Natural Health. I was first introduced to natural health and wellness years ago when I became very sick and was cycling through multiple specialists. I was hitting walls, with no answers. The only advice I was getting was more meds and methods, that did not actually treat the disease, but make it worse. That is when, by Gods grace, I was introduced to Dr Lozier’s practice by a friend, and our whole family has been impacted since. Myself, husband, and both our boys have multiple testimonies of the care and focus Dr Lozier has provided for our family. I became so passionate about the care over the years, that I was honored when asked me to be a part of the team! Health is not a quick fix or diet plan, it’s a life style of honoring our bodies along with being open minded to growing and learning. Dr Lozier and the team provide the best personalize care! I now have the opportunity to assist in helping others becoming empowered and not defeated, with their health! 

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  • j
    I love coming to work everyday and watching them go through chiropractic care.Our patients always leave our office feeling better than they did when they originally came in. Ever since I started working here at Discover Wellness Center I have been reading and learning as much as I can about how the choices we make affect our well being. Now I am living a healthier life and can pass my knowledge and experience to others so they too can discover wellness!
  • Talia Noble
    There was a time in my life that I really relied on drugs . . . Dr. Anderson taught me that I was not doing anything better for my body by relying on drugs. He explained that I needed to get to the root of the problem by finding what was making me feel bad in the first place. I made the decision that I was going to invest in myself and my healthy. Since then, I've been making healthier choices and living a healthier life. I sleep well, have more energy, and living pain free! The investment was totally worth it!
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8:30 pm-6:00 pm


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8:30 am-6:00 pm





